Robert Fields, MD

Executive Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer

About Robert Fields, MD

Rob Fields, MD

Robert Fields, MD is Executive Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer for Beth Israel Lahey Health, leading health care quality, population health and clinical services. In this role, he oversees BILH’s primary care, pharmacy, continuing care, behavioral health, hospital at home, and laboratory services, as well as Beth Israel Lahey Health Performance Network.

A board-certified family medicine physician who believes in the value of linking social care to health care, Rob possesses a unique blend of clinical leadership expertise in academic and community-based settings

Before joining BILH, Rob served as Chief Population Health Officer at Mount Sinai Health System in New York, where he led strategic initiatives to improve quality and outcomes while simultaneously advancing value-based care delivery. Recognizing health disparities in the community and inspired by his Latino heritage, Rob also co-founded Vista Family Health, an independent primary care practice focused on Latino health. To further advance patient-centered care adoption, he served on various local and state health care policy committees and advocacy groups.

Rob received his medical degree from the University of Florida College of Medicine and Master of Health Administration degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is the Director of the America’s Physician Groups Board, as well as the Director of the Institute for Accountable Care Board.